Improve your health and ENTER TODAY for your chance to WIN a Costa Rican Health Experience!

The 21 Day Gut Health Challenge is 3 Weeks to Getting Your Gut to Produce the Good Bacteria Again!

Enter Today for Your Chance to WIN!

* indicates required

All challenge guidelines will be in an email you will receive before the challenge begins. 

Benefits Include:

-Reset your gut

– Reduce Inflammation
(leading to chronic pain, disease, long term issues)

-Get gut to reproduce the good bacteria and release the bad

Watch Episode 141 with The Costa Rican Doctors for all benefits!

ACTION STEP 1: Cut out Sugars

ACTION STEP 2: Cut out Dairy

ACTION 3: Cut out Gluten

ACTION 4: Cut out Processed Foods

ACTION 5: Cut out Alcohol

Supplements needed:
Multivitamins (for the cravings), Turmeric (most important for Gut Inflammation), Ginger, etc.


*Costa Rican stay in Playa Grande (National Park 5 min from the Ocean)

*2 Hour consultation with Dr. Marcia Siles Gonzalez to go deeper into personal eating habits

*Airfare not included – please see all terms and conditions in the video and in email after registering.



Do you have the will to make these changes??

*Winner will be chosen from a drawing on February 14th, 2024.*