Has chronic pain made you or your spouse angry? You’re carrying injurious wounds in your heart. These traumatic wounds make it easy to react reflexively to your pain, especially as you take out your pain and frustrations out on others.

Understandably, your emotions are out-of-whack because your body reacts from a state of incoherence, disorganization and carrying excessive burdens. But, lashing out on to others does not make it okay just because someone is experiencing painful suffering.

Don’t fall into the trap of believing that you don’t deserve healing when your pain is long-term. Grow in the discovery of our inner beings, and the true connection between finite man and a divinely infinite God.


00:00 Introduction into the “How-To” of the Message
3:02 Don’t Ignore Others Who You’ve Wounded
5:45 Moving Towards Forgiveness & Wholeness
8:11 Educate Yourself About the Deeper Aspects of Chronic Suffering
11:20 Forgive Yourself for the Pain That You’re Experiencing
14:46 Dispense Forgiveness Freely, Quickly and Easily
16:21 Provide Comfort by Relieving Excessive Burdens
16:21 Provide Comfort by Relieving Excessive Burdens
19:58 Being Able to Provide Comfort with the Needs of the Sufferer
22:53 Reaffirm Your Love Without the Expectations of Penance
25:29   You are His Promised Land
27:11 Coherence is Order
28:51 Emotional Pain Between People Happens Daily


Discover better living despite chronic pain. Despite dealing with the horrors of chronic pain for the past 29 years, Gordon & Cherise candidly share their experiences with what it takes to overcome impossible odds when your painful afflictions seem insurmountable. This podcast is raw and real and contains practical insights and hope for the millions of people around the world who are suffering. Isn’t it time to become part of transformational change?

Over the next few months Gordon and Cherise invite you to join them and learn, truly, that abundant living through Christ is possible, even in deep suffering. Follow us for more — knowledge, experience, motivation, inspiration, hope and plenty of laughs along the way.

Watch now on YouTube!