Explore the unintended consequences of caner and the depths of purpose and resilience in the face of cancer with Gordon and Cherise in Episode 140.

Discover how they’re shedding unnecessary layers and embracing a new perspective on life’s journey, vulnerability, being able to feel and receive love and not waiting to die before leaving a legacy of love.

0:01     Find Purpose Beyond the Pain
0:22    Chit Chat Through the Introductions
1:27     Discussions About Future Podcast Guests
3:45     Defining Modern Healing
4:48     What Cherise Desires to Share
5:23     Pain Has Strengthened Cherise’s Desire for a Puppy
7:38     Cancer Can Put You into a State of Indecision
8:45     “I” Time versus “We” Time
10:58    The Divine Spark Can Become Re-ignited in Chronic Pain
12:08    The Tension of Life
13:06    The Power of Mortality Motivation
13:53    Unintended Changes About Who We Think We Are
15:09    Acknowledge Your Fatigue in Cancer
16:03    Working Better Through the Oura Ring Data
18:04    Effective Methods to Empower the Body’s Capacity
20:06    Counting on Your Community to Help You
20:37    Feeling Loved Can Fight Off Apathy
22:20    The Importance of Receiving Love
23:51    The Way of St. Benedict
25:34    Don’t Get Out of Position with Your Purpose
26:54    People Get Lost with No Purpose
28:36    The Power of Giving Away
30:07    Short Version of Cherise’s Takeaway
30:21    We’re Spiritual Beings First

We’re Gordon and Cherise! Over the course of 57 collective years, we’ve journeyed through some of life’s most challenging terrains, gathering lessons, wisdom, and yes, a few scars along the way.

Our mission? It’s not just about dishing out teachings from biblical scriptures. It’s about helping you apply them, driving tangible, heart-centered change from within. While we wholeheartedly embrace the transformative power of faith, we also integrate diverse healing methods. We champion those unsung experts whose incredible results might slip under the radar in conventional medical or religious circles.

At the heart of everything we stand firm on three pillars: compassion, unwavering belief in Christ, and the pursuit of holistic healing. Consider us more than just resource providers; we’re your companions, right beside you, cheering you on as you embark on your unique journey of metamorphosis.

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