Gordon & Cherise began from a heart to share real hope with the millions of people who suffer from pain worldwide. Daily alone in the United States, approximately 50 million are trying to cope with unimaginable bouts of chronic pain. Yet, in the big scheme of what life’s about, this topic of pain is rarely discussed in churches or among society itself.

Perhaps you’re drawn to this platform because pain is intricately woven into the fabric of your life, or it’s incredibly personal to you because you’re observing a loved one who lives with the adverse effects of horrific pain. After dealing with chronic pain for nearly 29 years, Gordon and Cherise are grateful to share some of the deep treasures they have uncovered throughout their pain-filled journey — ranging from Gordon’s physical suffering to Cherise’s emotional wreckage.

There are real, practical answers about your chronic suffering hidden within the mysteries of your faith. You are not alone in your search for help. Join us every Wednesday for the latest podcast episode, where you’ll find wisdom, hope, truth, and hopefully, you will gain some joy back into your life!

Let’s dive into the deep waters of suffering to find the real treasures of hope and transformation for you today!